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Fish Inspection and Quality Control Unit (FIQCU)



The Fish Inspection and Quality Control Unit (FIQCU) is the Seychelles Competent Authority (CA) which performs all the official controls on fish and fishery products sanitary conditions for export purposes. It also issues health certificates for every consignment of fish and fishery products exported from the Seychelles to any destination country.


The Export of Fishery Products Act, 1996 and its subsidiary legislations provide the FIQCU with the legal mandate it requires to execute its function as Competent Authority. The FIQCU was given status of Competent Authority by the EU for certifying all export of fish and fishery products to the EU in 1999 following the EU’s evaluation mission in August 1998.


The Principal Functions of FIQCU

In the context of official control, the unit performs a variety of activities as mandated by the legislations and these include:


  • The approval of fish processing establishments, fishing vessels and landing sites based on compliance with the requirements of the legislation.
  • The verification of compliance with food safety and hygiene requirements through the performance of audits and inspections on all processing establishments, fishing vessels and landing sites.
  • Verification of compliance with food safety conditions through sampling of fish and fishery products, water and ice for microbial, chemical and physical quality.
  • Reviewing and approval of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system (HACCP) at the processing establishments. (system for safe production of food)
  • Issuance of health certificates for all consignments of fish and fishery products exported from by the Seychelles.
  • Control of imported fishery products as raw material for manufacturing and re-export.
  • The issuance of non commercial certificates to travellers carrying small quantities of fish as part of their accompanying luggage.


Fees Charged for services rendered by the Seychelles Competent Authority for products certification and renewal of export permits click for PDF