SS BS EN 196-1:2016 Methods of testing cement – Part 1: Determination of strength
This part of EN 196 describes the method for the determination of the compressive and, optionally, the flexural strength of cement mortar. The method applies to common cements and to other cements and materials, the standards for which call up this method. It may not apply to other cement types that have, for example, a very short initial setting time.
The method is used for assessing whether the compressive strength of cement is in conformity with its specification and for validation testing of a CEN Standard sand, EN 196-1, or alternative compaction equipment.
This part of EN 196 describes the reference equipment and procedure and allows alternative compaction equipment and procedures to be used provided that they have been validated in accordance with the appropriate provisions in this document. In the event of a dispute, only the reference equipment and procedure are used.
SS BS EN 197-1:2011
Cement – Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cement
This European Standard defines and gives the specifications of 27 distinct common cements, 7 sulfate resisting common cements as well as 3 distinct low early strength blast furnace cements and 2 sulfate resisting low early strength blast furnace cements and their constituents. The definition of each cement includes the proportions in which the constituents are to be combined to produce these distinct products in a range of nine strength classes. The definition also includes requirements which the constituents have to meet. It also includes mechanical, physical, and chemical requirements. Furthermore, this standard states the conformity criteria and the related rules. Necessary durability requirements are also given.
In addition to those sulfate resisting cements defined in the present document, other cements conforming either to this standard or to other standards, European or national, have been nationally demonstrated to have sulfate resisting properties. These cements which are listed in Annex A, are considered by different CEN Member countries as sulphate resisting within the limits of their territory.
NOTE 1 In addition to the specified requirements, an exchange of additional information between the cement manufacturer and user can be helpful. The procedures for such an exchange are not within the scope of this standard but should be dealt with in accordance with national standards or regulations or can be agreed between the parties concerned.
NOTE 2 The word “cement” in EN 197-1 is used to refer only to common cements unless otherwise specified.
This European Standard does not cover:
— very low heat special cement covered by EN 14216;
— supersulfated cement covered by EN 15743;
— calcium aluminate cement covered by EN 14647;
— masonry cement covered by EN 413-1.
SS ISO 8336:2017 Fibre-cement flat sheets – Product specification and test methods
This document specifies methods for the inspection and testing of fibre-cement flat sheets and provides the acceptance conditions for their use in one or more of the following applications:
— external wall and ceiling finishes;
— internal wall and ceiling finishes;
— internal and external backing sheets.
Products covered by this document can be used for other purposes, provided they comply with the appropriate national or international application code or standard.
NOTE 1 This document does not apply to sheets for fire protection purposes.
NOTE 2 This document does not include calculations for installation design requirements, wind uplift or water proofing of the installed sheets.
NOTE 3 This document does not apply to the following products:
— boards of Portland or equivalent cement reinforced with fibrous wood particles;
— fibre-reinforced boards of calcium silicate or cement for thermal insulation or fire protection;
— sheets containing asbestos fibre reinforcement;
— sheets containing steel fibre reinforcement;
— fibre-cement roofing slates.
that the structures are being erected with the right type of product guaranteeing quality and increased lifespan.
It has to be noted that this standard will be declared as a voluntary standard, and it is up to other relevant agencies to make use of it in their regulations to make it mandatory either in part or in whole to further enhance the above.
SS ISO 1096:2014 Plywood – Classification
This International Standard provides systems of classification of plywood panels based on general appearance and principal characteristics.
SS ISO 12465:2007 Plywood – Specifications
This International Standard establishes requirements for the specification of plywood for general and structural use, in dry, tropical dry/humid and high-humidity/exterior conditions. It includes requirements for the quality of veneer, glue bond, lay-up (construction), dimensions and tolerances, conformance verification and marking.
The values listed in this International Standard relate to product properties, but they are not characteristic values to be used in design calculations.
NOTE Such characteristic values are given by the manufacturer, based on testing according to ISO 16572.
Additional information on supplementary properties for certain applications is also given.
SS ISO 12466-2:2007 Plywood – Bonding quality – Part 2: Requirements
This part of ISO 12466 specifies requirements for determination of bonding quality class of plywood, blockboard, battenboard, and laminboard, bonded with thermosetting resins, according to their intended end uses.
NOTE Appropriate test methods are specified in ISO 12466-1.
SFDSS BS EN 12390-1:2021 Testing hardened concrete – Part 1: Shape, dimensions and other requirements for specimens and moulds
This document specifies the shapes, dimensions and tolerances of cast concrete test specimens in the form of cubes, cylinders and prisms, and of the moulds required to produce them.
NOTE The tolerances specified in this document are based on the needs of strength testing, but they can be applicable to tests for other properties.
FDSS BS EN 12390-2:2019 Testing hardened concrete – Part 2: Making and curing specimens for strength tests
This document specifies methods for making and curing test specimens for strength tests. It covers the preparation and filling of moulds, compaction of the concrete, levelling the surface, curing of test specimens and transporting test specimens.
NOTE This document can be used for the making and curing of specimens for other test methods.
FDSS ISO 12466-3:2019 Testing hardened concrete – Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens
This document specifies a method for the determination of the compressive strength of test specimens of hardened concrete.
SS ISO/IEC 17000:2020 Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles
This document specifies general terms and definitions relating to conformity assessment (including the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies) and to the use of conformity assessment to facilitate trade.
The general principles of conformity assessment and a description of the functional approach to conformity assessment are provided in Annex A.
Conformity assessment interacts with other fields such as management systems, metrology, standardization and statistics. The boundaries of conformity assessment are not defined in this document.
SS ISO/TR 17026:2015 Conformity assessment – Example of a certification scheme for tangible products
This Technical Report provides an example of a type 5 product certification scheme for tangible products as described in ISO/IEC 17067.
NOTE 1 The example provided in this Technical Report relates to a certification scheme for products. However, if applicable, it can also be used as a basis for developing certification schemes for services and processes (see type 6 as described in ISO/IEC 17067).
NOTE 2 In the context of this Technical Report, the assessment of a management system as part of product certification does not constitute the certification of the management system.
NOTE 3 This Technical Report is intended to provide useful information to those involved in product
certification on the application of ISO/IEC 17067.
SS ISO/IEC 17067:2013 Conformity assessment – Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes
This International Standard describes the fundamentals of product certification and provides guidelines for understanding, developing, operating or maintaining certification schemes for products, processes and services.
It is intended for use by all with an interest in product certification, and especially by certification scheme owners.
NOTE 1 In this International Standard the term “product” can also be read as “process” or “service”, except in those instances where separate provisions are stated for “processes” or “services”. Definitions of product, process and service are given in ISO/IEC 17065.
NOTE 2 The certification of products, processes and services is a third-party conformity assessment activity (see ISO/IEC 17000) carried out by product certification bodies. The requirements for product certification bodies are specified in ISO/IEC 17065.
SS BS 45002-0:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems – Part 0: General guidelines for the application of ISO 45001
This British Standard describes the intent of individual clauses in ISO 45001 and provides guidance to help organizations implement and OH&S management system based on ISO 45001.
NOTE This British Standard does not add to, subtract from, or in any way modify the requirements of ISO 45001, nor does not prescribe mandatory approaches to implementation.
SS ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management – Psychological health and safety at work – Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks
This document gives guidelines for managing psychosocial risk within an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system based on ISO 45001. It enables organizations to prevent work-related injury and ill health of their workers and other interested parties, and to promote well-being at work.
It is applicable to organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, for the development, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of healthy and safe workplaces.
NOTE When the term “worker” is used in this document, worker representatives, where they exist, are always implied.
SS ISO 10014:2021 Quality management systems – Managing an organization for quality results – Guidance for realizing financial and economic benefits
This document gives guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits by applying a top-down structured approach to achieving financial and economic benefits. The structured approach uses the quality management principles and quality management system described in the ISO 9000 family of management system standards to:
a) monitor and manage trends in key performance metrics;
b) take improvement action based on the observed metrics.
This document is directed specifically to the top management of an organization.
This document is applicable to any organization, whether from the public, private or not-for-profit sector, regardless of its business model, revenue, number of employees, diversity of product and service offerings, organizational culture, complexity of processes, place or number of locations.
This document complements ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9004:2018 for performance improvements and provides examples of achievable benefits from the application of concepts in those standards. This document identifies associated practical management methods and tools to assist in realizing the benefits.
SS ISO/TS 22003:2013 Food safety management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems
This Technical Specification defines the rules applicable for the audit and certification of a food safety management system (FSMS) complying with the requirements given in ISO 22000 (or other sets of specified FSMS requirements). It also provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of their suppliers has been granted.
Certification of FSMS is a third-party conformity assessment activity (as described in ISO/IEC 17000:2004, 5.5), and bodies performing this activity are third-party conformity assessment bodies.
NOTE 1 In this Technical Specification, the terms “product” and “service” are used separately (in contrast with the definition of “product” given in ISO/IEC 17000).
NOTE 2 This Technical Specification can be used as a criteria document for the accreditation or peer assessment of certification bodies which seek to be recognized as being competent to certify that an FSMS complies with ISO 22000. It is also intended to be used as a criteria document by regulatory authorities and industry consortia which engage in direct recognition of certification bodies to certify that an FSMS complies with ISO 22000. Some of its requirements could also be useful to other parties involved in the conformity assessment of such certification bodies, and in the conformity assessment of bodies that undertake to certify the compliance of FSMS with criteria additional to, or other than, those in ISO 22000.
FSMS certification does not attest to the safety or fitness of the products of an organization within the food chain. However, ISO 22000 requires an organization to meet all applicable food-safety-related statutory and regulatory requirements through its management system.
NOTE 3 Certification of an FSMS according to ISO 22000 is a management system certification, not a product certification.
Other FSMS users can use the concepts and requirements of this Technical Specification provided that the requirements are adapted as necessary.
SS ISO 14031:2021 Environmental management – Environmental performance evaluation –Guidelines
This document gives guidelines for the design and use of environmental performance evaluation (EPE) within an organization. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, location and complexity.
This document does not establish environmental performance levels. It is not intended for use for the establishment of any other environmental management system (EMS) conformity requirements.
The guidance in this document can be used to support an organization’s own approach to EPE including its commitments to compliance with legal and other requirements, the prevention of pollution and continual improvement, among others.
NOTE This document is a generic standard and does not include guidance on specific methods for valuing or weighting different kinds of impacts in different kinds of sectors, disciplines, etc. Depending on the nature of the organization’s activities, there is often a need to also go to other sources for additional information and guidance on sector-specific topics, different subject matters or different scientific disciplines.
SS ISO 14050:2020 Environmental management – vocabulary
This document defines terms used in documents in the fields of environmental management systems and tools in support of sustainable development. These include management systems, auditing and other types of assessment, communications, footprinting studies, greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
SS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management – Guidelines
This document provides guidelines on managing risk faced by organizations. The application of these guidelines can be customized to any organization and its context.
This document provides a common approach to managing any type of risk and is not industry or sector specific.
This document can be used throughout the life of the organization and can be applied to any activity, including decision-making at all levels.
SS ISO 14971:2019 Medical devices – Application of risk management to medical devices
This document specifies terminology, principles and a process for risk management of medical devices, including software as a medical device and in vitro diagnostic medical devices. The process described in this document intends to assist manufacturers of medical devices to identify the hazards associated with the medical device, to estimate and evaluate the associated risks, to control these risks, and to monitor the effectiveness of the controls.
The requirements of this document are applicable to all phases of the life cycle of a medical device. The process described in this document applies to risks associated with a medical device, such as risks related to biocompatibility, data and systems security, electricity, moving parts, radiation, and usability.
The process described in this document can also be applied to products that are not necessarily medical devices in some jurisdictions and can also be used by others involved in the medical device life cycle.
This document does not apply to:
— decisions on the use of a medical device in the context of any particular clinical procedure; or
— business risk management.
This document requires manufacturers to establish objective criteria for risk acceptability but does not specify acceptable risk levels.
Risk management can be an integral part of a quality management system. However, this document does not require the manufacturer to have a quality management system in place.
NOTE Guidance on the application of this document can be found in ISO/TR 24971[9].
SS ISO/IEC 20000-1:12018 Information technolog Service management – Part 1: Service management system requirementy
1.1 General
This document specifies requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a service management system (SMS). The requirements specified in this document include the planning, design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to meet the service requirements and deliver value. This document can be used by:
a) a customer seeking services and requiring assurance regarding the quality of those services;
b) a customer requiring a consistent approach to the service lifecycle by all its service providers, including those in a supply chain;
c) an organization to demonstrate its capability for the planning, design, transition, delivery and improvement of services;
d) an organization to monitor, measure and review its SMS and the services;
e) an organization to improve the planning, design, transition, delivery and improvement of services through effective implementation and operation of an SMS;
f) an organization or other party performing conformity ssessments against the requirements specified in this document;
g) a provider of training or advice in service management.
The term “service” as used in this document refers to the service or services in the scope of the SMS. The term “organization” as used in this document refers to the organization in the scope of the SMS that manages and delivers services to customers. The organization in the scope of the SMS can be part of a larger organization, for example, a department of a large corporation. An organization or part of an organization that manages and delivers a service or services to internal or external customers can also be known as a service provider. Any use of the terms “service” or “organization” with a different intent is distinguished clearly in this document.
1.2 Application
All requirements specified in this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of the organization’s type or size, or the nature of the services delivered. Exclusion of any of the requirements in Clauses 4 to 10 is not acceptable when the organization claims conformity to this document, irrespective of the nature of the organization.
Conformity to the requirements specified in this document can be demonstrated by the organization itself showing evidence of meeting those requirements.
The organization itself demonstrates conformity to Clauses 4 and 5. However, the organization can be supported by other parties. For example, another party can conduct internal audits on behalf of the organization or support the preparation of the SMS.
Alternatively, the organization can show evidence of retaining accountability for the requirements specified in this document and demonstrating control when other parties are involved in meeting the requirements in Clauses 6 to 10 (see 8.2.3). For example, the organization can demonstrate evidence of controls for another party who is providing infrastructure service components or operating the service desk including the incident management process.
The organization cannot demonstrate conformity to the requirements specified in this document if other parties are used to provide or operate all service, service components or processes within the scope of the SMS.
The scope of this document excludes the specification for products or tools. However, this document can be used to help the development or acquisition of products or tools that support the operation of an SMS.
SS ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019 + Amd 1:2020 Information technology – Service management – Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems
1.1 General
This document provides guidance on the application of a service management system (SMS) based on ISO/IEC 20000-1. It provides examples and recommendations to enable organizations to interpret and apply ISO/IEC 20000-1, including references to other parts of ISO/IEC 20000 and other relevant standards.
Figure 1 illustrates an SMS with the clause content of ISO/IEC 20000-1. It does not represent a structural hierarchy, sequence, or authority levels.
The structure of clauses is intended to provide a coherent presentation of requirements, rather than a model for documenting an organization’s policies, objectives, and processes. Each organization can choose how to combine the requirements into processes. The relationship between each organization and its customers, users, and other interested parties influences how the processes are implemented. However, an SMS as designed by an organization cannot exclude any of the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 20000-1.
SS ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use
This document specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-bribery management system. The system can be stand-alone or can be integrated into an overall management system. This document addresses the following in relation to the organization’s activities:
— bribery in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors;
— bribery by the organization;
— bribery by the organization’s personnel acting on the organization’s behalf or for its benefit;
— bribery by the organization’s business associates acting on the organization’s behalf or for its benefit;
— bribery of the organization;
— bribery of the organization’s personnel in relation to the organization’s activities;
— bribery of the organization’s business associates in relation to the organization’s activities;
— direct and indirect bribery (e.g. a bribe offered or accepted through or by a third party).
This document is applicable only to bribery. It sets out requirements and provides guidance for a management system designed to help an organization to prevent, detect and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws and voluntary commitments applicable to its activities.
This document does not specifically address fraud, cartels and other anti-trust/competition offences, money-laundering or other activities related to corrupt practices, although an organization can choose to extend the scope of the management system to include such activities.
The requirements of this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations (or parts of an organization), regardless of type, size and nature of activity, and whether in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors. The extent of application of these requirements depends on the factors specified in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.5.
NOTE 1 See Clause A.2 for guidance.
NOTE 2 The measures necessary to prevent, detect and mitigate the risk of bribery by the organization can be different from the measures used to prevent, detect and respond to bribery of the organization (or its personnel or business associates acting on the organization’s behalf). See A.8.4 for guidance.
SS ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing management systems – Guidelines
This document gives guidelines for establishing, implementing and maintaining an effective whistleblowing management system based on the principles of trust, impartiality and protection in the following four steps:
a) receiving reports of wrongdoing;
b) assessing reports of wrongdoing;
c) addressing reports of wrongdoing;
d) concluding whistleblowing cases.
The guidelines of this document are generic and intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, nature of activity, and whether in the public, private or not-for profit sectors.
The extent of application of these guidelines depends on the factors specified in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. The whistleblowing management system can be stand-alone or can be used as part of an overall management system.
SS ISO 15189:2022 Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence
This document specifies requirements for quality and competence in medical laboratories.
This document is applicable to medical laboratories in developing their management systems and assessing their competence. It is also applicable for confirming or recognizing the competence of medical laboratories by laboratory users, regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies.
This document is also applicable to point-of-care testing (POCT).
NOTE International, national, or regional regulations or requirements can also apply to specific topics covered in this document.
SS BS 4873:2013 – Alluminium alloy doorsets – Specification
This British Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of aluminium alloy windows and external pedestrian doorsets, thermally or non-thermally improved, including constituent materials and glazing.
This British Standard does not apply to composite doorsets as defined in BS 8529, but it does cover doorsets that are predominantly aluminium framed (stile and rail construction) with replaceable composite panels.
This British Standard applies to windows and doorsets fabricated in a factory, to be installed vertically (±15°) into the external face of buildings, as single or multi-light units, or in coupled assemblies where appropriate, of the following types:
a) windows:
1) hinged: side-hung, top-hung, bottom-hung, tilt before turn or turn before tilt;
2) projecting: side-hung and top-hung (including reversible windows);
3) pivoted: horizontal and vertical;
4) sliding: horizontal and vertical (including tilting-in sash to vertical);
5) fixed lights;
6) fixed casement;
7) parallel opening;
8) double opening French casement;
9) louvred, adjustable;
b) doorsets:
1) single leaf, single-swing or double-swing hinged or pivoted doors with or without side lights and top lights;
2) double leaf, single-swing or double-swing hinged or pivoted doors with or without side lights and top lights;
3) sliding doors (includes tilt and slide and lift and slide doors);
4) sliding folding doors.
This British Standard is applicable to windows in which a casement or sash frame member is no longer than 3 m and in which a door leaf frame member is no longer than 3.5 m. This British Standard does not apply to curtain walls that span across horizontal structural members of floors, but it is applicable to windows or doorsets fitted within a curtain walling system.
This British Standard is not applicable to secondary windows applied to convert existing single windows into double or coupled windows.
NOTE Guidance on the evaluation of conformity is given in Annex A. Guidance on durability and recycling is given in Annex B.
SS BS 6180:2011 – Barriers in and about buildings – Code of practice
This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance for the design and construction of temporary and permanent barriers to be provided in and about buildings and places of assembly, such barriers being positioned and designed to protect persons from various hazards and to restrict or control the movement of persons or vehicles.
This British Standard applies to:
a) barriers that indicate routes;
b) barriers capable of stopping or diverting moving vehicles within areas where vehicle speed is restricted to a maximum of 16 km/h (4.44 m/s, 10 mile/h);
c) walls, glazing and other elements of buildings or structures where such elements act as protective barriers;
d) areas other than spectator areas of sports halls and buildings used for spectator sports.
This British Standard does not apply to:
1) barriers for resisting impact from vehicles travelling at speeds greater than 16 km/h, e.g. bridge parapets beyond the curtilage of a building, or highway safety barriers (see BS 6779);
2) barriers used in building operations and works of engineering construction;
3) safety barriers, with or without opening gate features, for the protection of children up to 24 months, where the safety requirement is covered by a specific safety standard, e.g. BS EN 1930;
4) permanent means of access to machinery (see BS EN ISO 14122, all parts);
5) barriers used in spectator areas of sports halls, and buildings used for spectator sports (see BS EN 13200, all parts).
SS BS 8000-0:2014 – Workmanship on construction sites – Part 0: Introduction and general principles
This British Standard establishes the general principles behind the BS 8000 series of standards that cover workmanship in the execution of certain works on construction sites. It includes general principles of issues such as tolerance, accuracy, fit, preparation of materials, interdependencies between trades, and draws attention to certain health and safety issues.
It gives links with the Uniclass system (see Annex A) to provide a common referencing structure with other documentation.
NOTE 2 A list of titles in the BS 8000 series is included in Annex A
SS ISO 8000 – 7:1990 – Workmanship on construction sites – Part 7: Code of practice for glazing
This part of BS 8000 gives recommendations on basic workmanship on building sites and covers those tasks which are frequently carried out in relation to glazing.
This code does not cover off-site glazing (e.g. factory glazing), specialist glazing techniques or systems (e.g. patent glazing), specialist applications (e.g. greenhouses and barriers/balustrades), roof glazing and glazing of furniture and fittings. Additionally, it does not apply to bent, profiled and corrugated glass/plastics sheet material, or to glass blocks or lens lights.
For design aspects of glazing, including safety, reference should be made to BS 6262.
NOTE This code of practice includes supplementary elements in the form of commentaries to assist in its use and understanding. Compliance with the commentaries is not necessary in order to be able to claim conformity with the standard.
SS BS 6100-1.3.5:1999 – Glossary of building and civil engineering terms – Part 1: General and miscellaneous – Section 1.3: Parts of construction works – Subsection 1.3.5: Doors, windows and openings
This standard provides terms and definitions used in buildings and civil engineering specifically doors, windows and openings.
SS BS 6100-1.4.1:1999 – Glossary of building and civil engineering terms – Part 1: General and miscellaneous – Section 1.4: Materials – Subsection 1.4.1: Glazing
This standard provides terms and definitions used in buildings and civil engineering specifically glazing.