The SBS (Amendment) Act, 1997 gave SBS the mandate to co-ordinate scientific research carried out in Seychelles and to issue research permit.
The SBS has put in place a process for receiving, reviewing and issuing of research permit for research application submitted by overseas applicants. This process is implemented in collaboration and consultation with the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and Transport, other Government Department and Agencies, and NGO’s. Most of the researches that have been carried out are related to environment, especially for the monitoring and conservation of biodiversity.
The hard copy of the Research Application Form can be obtained from the SBS and a soft copy can be downloaded from the Research Application Form Download Link. If there is no adverse comment or an outright refusal, a Research Permit is issued giving researchers authorization to conduct research within the Seychelles. The Permit gives details of the conditions for the research. If there is an outright refusal for the application, the applicant is informed and details of such refusal are also provided. If the applicant submits an appeal, this is reviewed by the Board of SBS. If there is adverse comments and concerns related to the application, consultation is carried out with both the party raising the concerns or adverse comments, and if necessary, the applicant is asked to provide clarification or modify the project.
Copies of the research reports are kept in the CISTID of SBS and these report are available for consultation by the public.