To celebrate World Standards day which falls on Friday 14 October 2022, the Seychelles Bureau of Standards (SBS) will mark the occasion by launching their Medium Term Standardisation Strategy at the Savoy Hotel Conference Centre from 9am on the same day.
The strategy, under the motto “Standardization in Seychelles – the Way Forward” will be launched by the Minister for Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry, Ms Devika Vidot.
The strategy will be presented to SBS partners, standards users and other stakeholders. It was developed with the support of the 11th EDF Programme as part of Seychelles’ implementation of the current Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union and has the purpose to effectively implement the Annex 3 to the WTO TBT Agreement – Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards. It also aims to support SBS to better answer the needs of its stakeholders and contribute in a more significant way to Seychelles’ economic and social development.
On 14 October each year, the entire world celebrates the World Standards Day, and it bows in recognition of the benefits of standardization for trade facilitation, economic development, and social progress. The three International Standardization Organizations, ISO, IEC & ITU, reconfirmed for 2022 the multi-year theme “Standards for Sustainable Development Goals” showing, once more, their shared vision for a better world. In their annual message on this
occasion, they state that “The entire standards system is built on collaboration. It is testament to the power of cooperation and the belief that we are stronger than the sum of our parts. By working together, we are empowering people with real-world solutions to face sustainability challenges head-on.”
For more information on World Standards day or the event on Friday, please contact SBS on Tel: 4380400 or by e-mail:
or the 11th EDF EPA Project Office on: Tel +248 438 2160 or by email: