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Product Certification

About the SBS MARK Scheme

The SBS mark scheme is an independent third certification which Seychelles Standard. The SBS mark is and a Quality Assurance label certif.

The use of the SBS mark on your product provides quality assurance to consumers, strengthens your point-of-sale input and gives your product greater prestige in the market place.

We provide product certification in the following areas:

  • Health and safety
  • Construction and Building
  • Food and food products
  • Electrical


  • The SBS mark is a marketing booster for all manufacturers
  • By having the mark displayed on a product will give the product prestige and preference over other like product in the market
  • Certification of products increase the chance of identifying non conforming products before it reaches the market, thus reducing customer complaint.
  • A third party certification means the product will be independently tested and quality assured eliminating doubt about bias customers.

Terms and Conditions

This defines the responsibilities and obligations of the Permit Holder of the SBS Mark. It contains the requirements for supervision, inspection, testing and record keeping during the process of manufacture in order to ensure compliance of the finished product with the provisions of the relevant standard.

During the period of the permit, the Permit Holder shall not vary any of the conditions under which the Permit was issued, unless he has given to SBS a notice, in writing, of his intention to change or discontinue any of them and shall have received notice of approval by SBS of such alteration.

The permit holder shall nominate a person who will be responsible for the quality of the finished product. This person shall have responsible to him an appropriate number of qualified staff.

Internal factory procedures shall be instated to ensure adequate quality control. This could be in form of flow charts with control points properly identified if this is practicable.

The permit Holder shall where practicable, identify an area for use exclusively for those that have been accepted as satisfactory by the factory’s inspection staff. Finished products that do not comply with the standard shall be properly isolated.

Where the raw materials, components and any process inherent in the finished product but not carried out by the Permit Holder have been subjected to tests by the supplies, all deliveries shall be accompanied by supplier’s certificates, or other evidence of compliance with the appropriate specification. Otherwise, the Permit Holder shall himself operate an approval system of inspection and/ or testing in respect of all delivery of raw materials, to ensure such compliance.

The permit Holder’s system of records shall maintain for traceability. Materials or components that fail to comply with relevant specification shall not at any time be used in the manufacture of products covered by the Permit.

All instruments, apparatus and gauges used in testing by the Permit Holder which have a bearing on the quality of the finished product shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions, in the absence of such instructions, or any form of standard reference publication, calibration shall be carried out of a frequency deemed suitable by SBS.

The Permit Holder shall undertake at his own expense, the routine testing of raw materials and finished products. The testing may be carried out using the Permit Holder’s own testing facilities that have been approved by SBS for this purpose, or request for routine tests to be done by SBS.

Failure of a sample or samples to meet the routine test requirements tested in the standard will result in the batch represented by the sample or samples being re-tested.

The batch represented by the sample or samples shall be segregated from the main production until the results of re-test are known.

No sample that has failed in any test shall be marked, or, if already marked, released for sale.

When re-test results indicate that the batch is in compliance with the Standard, the product may then be release for sale.

When re-test procedure has been instituted and the batch is then deemed by reason of further not to comply with the Standard

  1. If the batch consists of individual items, no such items may be marked, or, if already marked, release for sale.
  2. If the batch forms a homogeneous whole, it shall not, under any circumstances, be marked, or, if already marked, release for sale.

Records of all calibrations, tests and inspections carried out, with particular reference, to any failures and action taken thereon, and supplier’s certificates where available, shall be held for a minimum of two years.

They shall be such a form as to enable the representative of SBS to verify that the approved procedures have been continuously maintained.

How to apply?

Download the Application Form by clicking SBS MARK Application Form

Save the form in the computer and open the Application Form in Microsoft Word.

The applicant must pay the application fee to Seychelles Bureau of Standards in respect to each application of permit. This application fee is not refunded irrespective if the application is successful or not.